Gebetsliga Vestments by Emblematik and Sacra Domus Aurea

Having grown up in a prominent Austro-Hungarian parish (the Church of Saint Agnes in St. Paul, Minn.), I have always felt a fond affinity for the work of the Gebetsliga (German for Prayer League) that serves as the official promoter of the cause of canonization for Blessed Karl.

Today, the League of Prayer serves as the promoter for the cause of canonization of Blessed Karl. With membership spanning the globe, the League continues to share the story of his saintly life and renowned virtues. The Gebestliga now offers a beautiful Roman Low Mass set for purchase on their website. 

Made to order in Portugal, these beautiful works are the creations of Emblematik, founded in 2020. I have to say how immensely impressed I am with their output and quality of their craft and fair pricing and production of vintage bullion (a lost art that is thankfully making a comeback).  

To order, click here. 

Made in Portugal and tailored in Roman style silk lamé in the style of Gammarelli with French galloons, this beautiful set of vestments shines due to the silk threads woven together with threads of metallic fibre, providing a shimmering finish to the fabric. Once a common sight in Rome, this rare fabric is making a comeback due to its high measure of artistic delight. 

The back of the chasuble displays the emblem of the Prayer League, in an elegant Baroque cartouche, hand-crafted in the style of bullion, an exquisite custom that is related to filigree.  

From the website:

This Roman chasuble set is made exclusively for the Gebetsliga. Made by Portugal-based Emblematik by Pasamanerias y Bordados, this bespoke vestment atelier specializes in hand-embroidered vestments that employ old-world techniques. 

Founded in 2020, Emblematik is driven by a deep appreciation for the rich history and tradition of vestment making. The new vestments honor Blessed Karl’s devotion and commitment to beauty and devotion in the Sacred Liturgy.

Executed in a metallic fabric blend, the rose gold chasuble is accented with wavy gold gallons and lined in scarlet in honor of Blessed Karl’s devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. At the back-bottom of the chasuble is a magnificent hand-embroidered Gebetsliga emblem with a red stone at the center. The five piece set includes: the Chasuble, stole, maniple, veil, and burse (alb shown not included).

Made to order. Allow 8-10 weeks for delivery.

Made in Portugal. Metallic fabric with hand embroidered bullion with a glass stone.

Also available for separate purchase is a decorated pall for the chalice. Similar to the chasuble, it displays the arms of the Prayer League in the style of gold bullion.  

Further, below are images of a lovely Roman solemn set made by our good friend Anamaria Baraboi at Sacra Domus Aurea. It is hand-made in pure ivory silk with gold shunting silk lining and made with metallic threads. A work of art. The set comes complete with chasuble, dalmatic, tunicle, humeral veil and cope. Also included in the pricing are the stoles, maniples, chalice veil, and purse. Custom, made to order. 


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