Ciborium Veils by Manufactura Vesti Clero

The Polish ecclesiastical tailor Manufactura Vesti Clero produces beautiful veils for ciboria and the pyx. The only time of the year most lay folk in the pews see the veil is on Maundy Thursday when the Eucharist is processed to the altar of repose, with the utmost solemnity. This version has three sides while others typically have four.

These beautiful veils are made in Kraków, Poland of fine silk and gold edging, with hand-embroidered imagery depicting lovely flowers. All ciboria that contain the Blessed Eucharist are typically veiled in the Latin tradition. This goes for the pyx, too, also found in the tabernacle (kept for exposition of the Blessed Sacrament). These extra signs of reverence help to beautify the sacred liturgy and they are part of the tradition of the Church. 

I encourage readers to get in touch and place an order as a gift for their parish: [email protected].


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