The Polish tailor Vestum produces liturgical vestments, mitres, fabrics and other sewn items for the sacred liturgy. Their portfolio is substantial, with many commissions from across the globe. Their custom creations come in many styles, including conical chasubles. Below is an assortment of a variety of their creations. Be sure to check out their website to see all the many items and styles they offer. They even create Gothic albs with apparel; very interesting rare to find. They also have a unique array of stunning Renaissance fabrics that they offer.
Below is an example of a solemn set.
An example of their bullion work, the arms of Pope St. Pius X.
An example of their beautiful textiles, here a pattern with peacocks.
An example of their rare Gothic albs with attached apparel.
An example of a dalmatic.
And a rose-colored set.
A Roman cut pianeta.
An example of a conical style.
Another chasuble with floral print.
Detail of Roman cope.
Cream colored Neri cut chasuble.
An example of a mitre.
Last but not least, my favorite.
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