The Art of the Procession: The Ombrellino

Photo: OC-Travel

Recently I had an interesting conversation with a new pastor.  He said: "I have never actually seen in real life an ombrellino, except in photos.  Where can I buy one for my parish?"

My answer was short and quick: "You will have to visit Fatima.  And every sacristy ought to have one."

For many pilgrims who arrive in Fatima, shopping is a big part of the experience.  Especially for clergy.  For this reason I make a point of bringing all my groups here to visit my favorite liturgical arts studio in Portugal, the Paramentaria de Fátima.

To enter this three-story wonderland of art is to behold an effusion of interesting liturgical objects.

The ombrellino is rarely seen today in the Latin Church, except during Holy Week. However, it is seen more often in some Eastern churches, such as the Eritrean Orthodox liturgies, where it can be seen every Sunday.

In the coming days I aim to create a few posts on some of the rare and unique liturgical items available in this store, located on the edge of Fatima, on the Estrada de Leiria, 70. Needless to say, the quality, selection and prices are most agreeable.

For more information on this object, see their website here.

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