Shades of Rosacea II: Some Further Eighteenth Century Examples

With Laetare Sunday just past us, I wanted to take the opportunity to share just a few more 18th century examples of rose vestments that I haven't shared previously along with some very brief comments. (For further considerations around this subject, see our original Shades of Rosacea post from December 2017.) 

However, before getting to the new examples, it seems to me that it would be a shame to not show  this one particular rose vestment that we have shown before, this time within its proper Lenten context:

That indulgence aside, here are some further examples for your consideration and enjoyment.

The use here of a central white panel that has rose tones within it works very nicely with the rose panels on each side. The trims also nicely harmonize with the brocaded pattern creating a subtle and unified whole. Often utilizing different textiles like this can easily come across as 'busy' but they have pulled it off quite nicely here.
Of particular appeal here is both the rose brocade with its subtle hues and the wider gold trims. These balance nicely with the weight and colour of the brocade itself.

Blues and silvers often compliment very nicely with rose vestments as can be seen here.
This is a particularly rich shade of rose, a salmon variant of rose. The pale, white gold tones mesh nicely with it and the greens in the brocade. Unfortunately this particular vestment isn't done justice by the presentation.
Regretfully this image is in low resolution, but it is worth showing regardless because of its incredible beauty. This shows a particularly fine example of the use of gold with rose. This combination tends to work best when the rose shade is particularly delicate as seen here.
The rich silver embroideries are the star of the show in this instance.

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