New Green Gothic Revival Chasuble from AltarWorthy
Restoring Halloween to the Domestic Church
Customs of Martinmas
Advent Customs: St. Barbara's Branches (Barbarazweige)
Preparing for Advent: The Custom of the Advent Wreath
Modern Polish Chasuble (Mid-Twentieth Century)
Papal Humiliations III: The Cock of the Lateran
In previous posts on the flax burning and sedia stercoraria , we have seen how the ancient ceremony of papal coronation evinced a continual concern with reminding the new pontiff, at the very moment of his elevation to the loftiest office in Christendom, that he remained a m…
Before and After: St. Stanislaus Oratory, Milwaukee
1600: An Ambrosian Gift to the Holy Land
Meditations on the Judica Me (Psalm 42) of the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite
Manuel Farrugia: Ecstasy of St. Teresa
Papal Humiliations II: The Papal Sedia Stercoraria
In a previous article we discussed flax burning during the papal coronation rite . Today we consider a related ceremony, the Possession , i.e. when the pope takes formal possession of the Lateran cathedral and palace. Just as in the coronation rite, here too the ancient cerem…