Modern Polish Chasuble (Mid-Twentieth Century)

This fascinating "modern" chasuble caught my eye on display in one of the many interesting museum rooms at the Jasna Góra Monastery at the Our Lady of CzÄ™stochowa Shrine in Poland. It is definitely worth sharing on account of its great beauty and historic import - another fine example of what could be described authentic "inculturation" in the liturgy.
Photo credit: OC-Travel
The relic belonged to the late Polish Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski and dates from circa 1960s.  The different versions of the white eagle emblem reflects the 1,000 year history of Christianity in Poland from 1066-1966.  For understandable reasons, Polish Catholicism in many ways has a strong nationalistic spirit.  Himself a Polish national hero, the Cardinal was imprisoned by the Communists for three years.

Wyszynski as Primate of Poland was the unquestionable leader of the Polish nation.  He helped keep the land Christian during a dark time.  Poland has held the line for all Central and Eastern Europe.  I would like to see this great churchman canonized and declared universal patron of persecuted bishops who stand up in the face of totalitarian governments.  

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