It has been a little while since we featured any 'Other Modern' and a good opportunity was presented with a recent posting from the Institut of St. Phillip Neri, a priestly society based out of Germany. For the feast of the Immaculate Conception they utilized a set of vestments which are familiar to me but which haven't been shown in as much detail heretofore. Let's take a look. (Some comments below.)
This next image gives a slightly better view of the design on the chasuble. Observant readers may recognize the base silk textile as being the famed "deer pattern" which was produced around 1900-1920. This particular textile appears time and again, particularly in vestments manufactured in northern Europe, and shows two stags beneath two perched birds, possibly doves or eagles, showered down upon in a way which brings to mind the verse of the psalmist: "As the hart panteth after the fountains of water; so my soul panteth after thee, O God."

Here are a couple of further details that more clearly show forth the Art Deco inspirations of the orphreys.