Two Vestments from Watts & Co. of London

We have been speaking a lot these past few days of makers of bespoke vestments, and Watts & Co. of London are certainly one of the makers who offer such vestments, but today I wanted to focus on two other of their offerings, the first being a embroidered cope. The cope is in a high gothic revival style that includes a beautiful IHS monogram and sunburst embroidery on its hood. This sort of work represents the very heights of what the gothic revival can be and could be.

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The next offering I wanted to show today is a five piece set done in the Borromean cut utilizing a very fine green and gold brocade. The orphreys are designed in classic Italian style and the overall effect of the vestment is extremely pleasing.

Burse and Chalice Veil
Really fine work, as always, coming out of the Watts workshops. Make sure to visit them on social media or their website.

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