New Rose Chasuble from Garry South of Holy Threads

Those who have been reading LAJ since its advent may remember Garry South of Holy Threads (see: Garry South: Strategist by Day, Vestment Designer by Night) and for those who have not (or at least cannot recall) you may wish to visit that article to get some of his interesting and unique background.  At any rate, recently he shared one of his latest projects, a rose chasuble in the gothic revival style which he was commissioned to do by one of the parishes of the Anglican Ordinariate -- and it is an impressive work. 

Before showing any further images, here is what he said about the set:
The rose face fabric and purple brocade are Watts & Co. fabrics. The hand-embroideries on the vesicas front and back were done in Pakistan. The Tudor rose on the rear vesica is fitting because it is a set for Rose Sundays, and also because it is the traditional floral heraldic emblem of England, and the Ordinriate’s purpose is to preserve the liturgical traditions of the Anglican patrimony. Almy produced the set at their workshop in Maine. The parish that commissioned the set is Holy Martyrs of England & Wales, an Ordinariate congregation in Murrieta, CA. 
Here are a few more views of the completed work:

For more information, visit Garry South via his website.

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