In this article, we will be looking at the discipline in force in the United States during the 1880s. This is the decade of the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore, which gave us the classic Baltimore Catechism and the Baltimore Manual of Prayer (from which the information in this article is taken).
The rules then in force were as follows:
Most of us have generally heard the fasting discipline described as one full meal, and two “collations” that together do not add up to a full meal. The Baltimore Manual, however, reflects an earlier formulation and is a bit more specific:
- Only one full meal allowed, to be taken at noon or later
- An additional collation of 8 ounces is also allowed: in the evening if the full meal is at noon, or at noon if the main meal is in the evening
- General custom allows 2 ounces of bread (without butter) in the morning, with a cup of warm liquid (coffee or tea).
Finally, for the benefit of LAJ readers elsewhere in the Anglosphere, the 1909 edition of the Catholic Encyclopedia states that Great Britain, Ireland, Australia and Canada fasted on the Wednesdays of Advent as well. There was also, to be sure, variation among dioceses and ecclesiastical provinces, as can be seen in the case of New Orleans above.
Today many will already be observing a penitential fast as an act of reparation and for spiritual cleansing in the Church. As this one-time fast happily coincides with the traditional observance, devout souls might wish to use it as a springboard to take on the venerable Advent fast and, in the process, recover one of our hallowed traditions.