More Embroidery From Sacra Domus Aurea

So we have been on a bit of a "bespoke vestment" roll this past week and there has been a lot of interest in embroidery of recent, so I thought I should specifically highlight another example. This particular piece is one that appeared in the midst of another article but  it deserves its own focus, stylistically speaking, lest it be lost in the midst of so much good work that is taking place these days.

The piece in question comes from Sacra Domus Aurea, and presents yet another variation on Italianate embroidery. We tend to think of this style as one which includes equally fulsome embroidery over the entire surface of the chasuble, but of course, this was only one manifestation of this tradition. Amongst the other variations, there were other examples which included full embroidery over the entire surface of the vestment, but the orphreys were still given particular emphasis. That is what we show here today. 

The style in question spans both the 18th and 19th centuries. The use of the red lining adds a slightly French touch to the set, but the emphasized orphreys are likely to appeal to a certain subset of priest and/or benefactor. The gold embroidery is set on white silk moire. Here are a few more details.

One can see the very nice gold tones and textures of the embroidery, which will likely show up quite nicely amidst the candlelight and warm lighting of a church setting. 

For more information, visit Sacra Domus Aurea on social media or via their website. 

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