FilAurum: Catholic Vestments, Tabernacle Veils and More

FilAurum, a vestment maker based out of Oxford, England, has its name derived from two Latin words: "filo" (thread) and "aurum" (gold), meaning "gold thread," in reference to the beautiful goldwork embroidery of traditional vestments. The vocation of making vestis talaris for the clergy to wear at the altar is a great honor and FilAurum aims to maintain this art with distinction.  Qualitative materials are chosen, in keeping with the dignity of the clergy and the sacred rites.  Indeed, these traditional styles and fabrics grew out of the centuries because the clergy, who are called to the inheritance of the Lord, should. through their sacerdotal vestments, manifest their interior holiness and lofty office by the decency and fittingness of their external dress and thus be distinguished from all others.  

The owner of FilAurum, Olga, creates custom vestments and can also restore and repair antique vestments. One of their items that caught my eye is the reversible stole for baptisms, a handy vestment for new priests especially. 

Further examples of FilAurum's work.

See the FilAurum website or see them on social media for more details.

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