A new illustrated liturgical year calendar in the form of posters is available from Sophia Institute Press. Each day in the calendar is fully illustrated with the saint, feast or feria of that day. Themes from the breviary and from Dom Gueranger's The Liturgical Year are woven throughout the imagery for each week. All of the pertinent information is there including fast days, the class of feast and even the color of vestments the priest will wear in the liturgy, all available at a glance. The images of the saints are taken from the medieval and classical art traditions and represented together in such a way as to show the communion of the saints in our daily lives. Little nuggets of wisdom and insight are seen in the artistic depictions. This is yet another great teaching tool for kids to become more ingrained in the liturgical life of the Church. Congratulations to the creative artist who created this interesting work and we wish it much success, especially among homeschool families.
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» Illustrated Liturgical Year Calendar for Children
Illustrated Liturgical Year Calendar for Children

John Paul Sonnen
J.P. Sonnen is an author, history docent, educator and travel writer. His graduate degrees are from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) in Rome, Italy.