Eighteenth Century Stations of the Cross in the Baroque Church of St. Ulrich, Seeg, Germany

If you look at your typical series of Stations of the Cross in many parishes, they can frequently tend to be a rather lack-lustre affair. They frequently tend to be sculptural reliefs done in plaster, wood or metal, or occasionally framed prints. Regrettably, in many places they are one of the more "l'art Saint-Suplice" inclusions in church art, sometimes overly primitivistic, or at very least they are frequently rather "underwhelming" for one reason or another. None of that is the case of the church of St. Ulrich located in Seeg, Germany -- a baroque parish church found in the diocese of Augsburg. 

In this particular church we not only find the stations in a unique triad configuration, they are also done using painted depictions, executed by the artist Johann Baptist Enderle between 1769-1770, in a style that is consonant with the rest of the parish church's art and architecture. Set around these works are ornamental white and gold stucco frames, also in a baroque style and done by Andreas Henkel, with the stational numbering at the top in Roman numerals, and a descriptive/meditative text found below in typically Germanic script. 

One interesting inclusion in this series is the depiction of the Empress Helena (mother of Constantine) and the finding of the True Cross. 

If you're curious about the rest of the church, here are some quick views.

Photo Credit: Tijs Hulsman (Source)
Photo Credit: Tijs Hulsman (Source)

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