After living many years in Rome and being accustomed to seeing differing versions of the Roman style chasuble, it is always interesting for me to see the slim Spanish versions. This example is from the baroque city of Zarazoga in northeast Spain, probably from around the 1920s. The atelier was L. Torres Casa Aranda of Zaragoza (God reward that wonderful family for the great work they did). Included here are a few pics to demonstrate the superior design and quality of silk. Many thanks to our good friend Fr. Pablo Santa Maria for sharing this with us from the sacristy of the Cathedral of Vancouver. A beautiful glimpse of the liturgical arts from the Spanish lands of the Iberian Peninsula. Omnis honor et gloria.
The Spanish Cut Chasuble

John Paul Sonnen
J.P. Sonnen is an author, history docent, educator and travel writer. His graduate degrees are from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) in Rome, Italy.