Pianeta of Giovanni Carlo Boschi, Cardinal Major Penitentiary

Cardinal Giovanni Carlo Boschi (1715-1788) was made a cardinal by Pope Clement XIII in the year 1766, appointed Cardinal-Priest of the titulus of San Giovanni e Paolo the same year, and eventually in the year 1784, of San Lorenzo in Lucina. In addition to this, he was also appointed Major Penitentiary of the Apostolic Penitentiary in the same years. In this regard, he can be understood as a cardinal of not insignificant influence within the Eternal City. In this regard, it should likely come as no surprise that the cardinal in question found himself either gifted with or comissioned sacred vestments of particularly nobility and beauty. 

The following chasuble, made of red silk lamé and embroidered with floriated designs in gold metallic thread, along with the stemma of the cardinal, is an excellent example of some of the very best and most refined works of this period of vestment making, dating to the second half of the eigtheenth century.  The design is such that it is at once ornate and yet also not overwhelming by virtue of the overarching harmony to be found in the design, along with its complementarity with the fabric, which creates a unity in the whole. 

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