A Chasuble From the Year 1420

The following chasuble is dated to circa 1420, originally being in the church of St. Mary's in Gdansk in the north of Poland. The chasuble itself is made of an Italian loomed silk, with an interior lining made of Spanish silk. The embroidery on the orphrey is thought to originate from the workshops of Bohemia.

The cut will also be of interest to many of our readers, being original and already beginning to take on a shape which is noticeably close to those we associate to the time of St. Philip Neri and St. Charles Borromeo. For those curious about the length and width, it measures 105cm wide by 139cm high. 

The embroidery itself shows as its main image Christ resurrected from the tomb with an angel to either side, the one holding the empty Cross, the other holding the crown of thorns. 

Depictions of various saints embellish the rest of the orphrey. 

Also of interest is the design of the silk itself which has a rather ornate design.

These are all good reminders that ornate silks and embroideries were by no means solely characteristic of vestments from the Renaissance or age of the baroque.

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