The Jesuit church of Venice is the Chiesa di Santa Maria Assunta, sometimes simply referred to as the Chiesa dei Gesuita. It's facade is one that looks as though it were pulled straight out of the Rome of Pope Urban VIII, integrating nicely with Venice's otherwise colourful architecture.
Venice is in fact tied to St. Ignatius rather closely for it was from here he departed, as a layman, on pilgrimage to Jerusalem and to Venice that he returned with companions calling themselves the "Society of Jesus" and it was in Venice that St. Ignatius and companions were ordained to the priesthood after having received the approbation of Pope Paul III for the newly founded priestly society.
Returning to the church building itself however, construction on the current church (previously occupied by an earlier church structure) began in 1715, being finally completed and consecrated in 1728. The church was designed by architect Domenico Rossi according to the principles laid down by the Council of Trent, and consistent with much ecclesiastical architecture of the counter-reformation period, highlighting the altar, the Blessed Sacrament and preaching.
The interior is exactly what one would expect from a church of this period and of a Jesuit church in general, coming in the cruciform shape of a Latin cross with transept altars and various chapels located along the nave.
The church includes a very large and ornate canopied altarpiece (dedicated to the Holy Trinity) with accompanying tabernacle and exposition throne. The walls also include beautiful inlaid marble patterns, set into a very Venetian like textile pattern. Here are two historical photos showing the church in its most intact, historical incarnation:
The tabernacle of the High Altar |
The Holy Trinity as depicted in the altarpiece of the high altar |
The Triumph of the Holy Name |
Altar of St. Ignatius |
Chapel of St. Joseph |
Altar of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary which includes a 16th century painting by Tintoretto |
Chapel of St. Francis Xavier |
Finally, here are a few other features of this impressive church.
The pulpit |
The Archangel Gabriel |
Detail from the Altar of St. Ignatius |