The chasuble of the treasury of St. Aldegonde is a thirteenth century chasuble coming in the conical form -- a form much larger than what most would call 'gothic' today. It is perhaps a good example to consider also for the reason that we frequently tend to associate cloth of gold vestments as something more baroque or later in nature, but here we find a medieval example that gives a glimpse of the similar sort splendour that might be found too in medieval liturgical art.
Before we look at that cloth a bit more closely, a quick comment about the orphreys. The design is that of a tau (T) cross on the front, combined with the y-ophrey. This is an orphrey design that one might fairly call "classic" for the medieval period -- and compared to the complexity of some medieval orphreys, downright simple.
A closer look at the textile used for the orphrey itself reveals a colourful repeating pattern of crosses of alternating colours.
On the back of the chasuble, is the classic y-ophrey that is commonly seen in much gothic revival work to this day.
This particular view of the chasuble starts to reveal something of the splendour of the fabric that has been used. It is not simply a plain gold textile, as it might first appear, but in fact a gold and red damask. This damask came along the silk road from China before finally being turned into a chauble, and if you look closely at the fabric, the design uniquely includes parrots:-------
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