Our good friends at Sacristia in Poland offer these lovely hand-make veils for pyx or ciboria kept in the tabernacle. Here is an example, made of cotton satin and finished with a soft cotton lining, and an ornamental strip of metallic galloon in gold. Obviously there are different styles and variations of the veil that are seen in different Catholic countries. This style has an open back that is tied at the top and has a cross on it. Orders can also be customized to size.
These are made in Poland with great care, fine materials, and expert craftsmanship. Such veils tend to last for many years. Holy objects are veiled in both East and West. While the unusual liturgical and pastoral infantilism that swept through the Latin Church in the sixties largely did away with this beautiful custom in many places, it is a welcome sight to see it returning and revived where the custom died out. Many thanks to the artists and designers at Sacristia for their great work. We wish them every success. For orders or questions they can be reached at: [email protected].