Dominican Rite Altar Cards

Recently I was privileged to attend Mass at the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, D.C. It was good news to hear the ancient Dominican Rite is flourishing and continues to make a comeback on this side of the pond. I was further impressed to see these very interesting Dominican altar cards, a rare sight anywhere, with Dominican saints depicted in the illuminations.  

When I was a student in Rome at the Dominican University, we were privileged to witness in 2007 the revival of the Dominican Rite in our chapel of Sts. Dominic and Sixtus. At that time the Dominican Rite began to be celebrated weekly, drawing large numbers of curious and grateful students. Then one day the students announced there would be a Sung Mass they were planning in the Dominican Rite. The church that day was absolutely packed, and of course the Mass was most beautiful and memorable, celebrated by a Dominican priest from Sicily. Earlier that day, one of the more prominent professors at the Angelicum, the future Bishop Robert Christian, OP, announced at the end of his class on Sacraments the news of the Mass and encouraged his students to attend. 

The Dominican Rite is the rite of Pius V. It is a real privilege to worship in this ancient mode of prayer and to see this truly extraordinary treasury of prayer being passed to a new generation of Dominicans and those lay faithful under their care. 


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