Opus Anglicanum: Chasuble of St. Nicholas

The following chasuble is an interesting example of the re-working of earlier vestments in order to preserve a precious textile for continued liturgical use. While we are accustomed to the notion of the re-shaping a chasuble from a fuller cut to a more trimmed down one, in this particular case we are actually dealing with a chasuble that has been constructed from what had originally been other vestments entirely, recomposed between 1573-1576.

The vestment includes various scenes taken from the life of St. Nicholas and is a piece of much coveted "opus Anglicanum" (English work) and comes in a shape that today we would tend to consider "Neri" or "Borromean" -- but of course, it simply represents a shape of chasuble that was popular within the Renaissance. 

These vestments, in their original form, were originally gifted by Pope Boniface VIII to the cathedral of Anagni. 

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