Restoration Work by Atelier del Restauro in Malta

One of our favorite little chapels in the world to visit is the church dedicated to St. Paul on Valley Road (Knisja tà San Pawl) in Birkirkara, Malta. It is under the spiritual care of our good friend Fr. Nicholas Doublet. He grew up there and has done a marvelous job with the conservation and restoration work of the chapel, carefully preserving its art and heritage, making it one of the most attractive communities complete with a flourishing liturgical life. 

The finished result

The careful restoration work has restored the original polychrome works, seen above in before and after images. This restoration has included the refinement of the decorative schemes and stone carvings, the process of removing impurities and unwanted elements, such as thick layers of oxidized varnish, oils, and over paintings. This has included pollution particles and dust deposits that have been partially incorporated on the surfaces over time. 

The specialized cleaning methods of the team from Atelier del Restauro was a timely intervention, making it possible to uncover the original "finto marmo" (painted marble decoration) patterns with the splendor of their original color and detail. This same process of cleaning has also revealed the lovely gilded carvings in real gold. Restoration work was carried out in areas where the decorative scheme was found to be deteriorated. This challenging work brings great rewards.  

Below are several images to show the powerful transformation of the surfaces once they are cleaned and restored. Hearty congratulations to the pastor and community and a big thank you to all those involved in the conservation project, especially those from Atelier del Restauro and the Apostolate of Saint Paul Malta (ASPM).  


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