Spanish Artist Ana Rey: Maker of Statues

The art of statue making in Spain is quite advanced and superbly expressive. In fact, many new statues created there look quite real. I would like to call the attention of readers to a new artist on the scene by the name of Ana Rey. Her website can be found here. A sample of her religious art can be seen here

Ana is from the ancient port town of Cádiz. Always attracted by art and beauty, she began her studies at the Santa Isabel de Hungary Faculty of Fine Arts in Seville, where she studied conservation and restoration of cultural assets. 

After about ten years of work her growing portfolio continues to expand, including many religious works. Her art is faithful to the traditional canon of Spanish Baroque, although not limited to that. She continues to make a worthy contribution to the liturgical arts scene in Spain, with her own distinct style of classical realism while being faithful to the best traditions of her people.

The prolific works of Ana include not only new statues but also restoration work of historic old statues across Spain. Her new statues are carved from wood and hand-painted with careful attention to detail. The majority of her statue creations depict Our Lady, used in well-known Holy Week processions in places like Seville and Málaga.

May God bless and reward Ana for her growing contributions to authentic Catholic art that is well suited for the sacred liturgy. Her religious works are both sacred and artistic. 


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