St. Jude's Liturgical Arts Studio and the Cathedral Basilica of Philadelphia

St. Jude Liturgical Arts Studio / Liturgical Exchange, who are based out of Havertown, Pennsylvania, shared some news on their website about a project  that they undertook at the incredibly beautiful Cathedral Basilica of Ss. Peter and Paul in Philadelphia.  The project provides us with an opportunity to introduce our readers not only to the St. Jude's Studio but also one of the most beautiful basilicas in the United States.  

St. Jude's detail their work at the basilica as follows:

The St. Jude Liturgical Arts Studio has been privileged to work with the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and His Eminence Justin Cardinal Rigali in restoring and renovating the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul. Here, We showcase our work, from design to fabrication and installation, in the cathedral’s shrine chapel. We began by executing architectural drawings and full-color renderings of the completed design. Once approved, we set our team of experts into motion.

The photos showcased here attest to our Studio’s dedication to creating liturgical spaces that elevate the worship experience: We fabricated a new marble reredos and created a new mosaic tabernacle niche.

Our skilled craftspeople restored the existing marblework and gave new life to the natural wood elements through a process of resurfacing and refinishing. We were also able to repair any damaged areas. We restored and polished existing bronze work.

We restored the historic statues and crafted a new marble ambo. Our designers create pieces that match the look and style of the existing elements. We set out to create beautiful new liturgical elements that blend with the original space.

With that overview in mind, let's take a quick look at St. Jude's various labours and the basilica itself.

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