Corpus Christi Canopy Available from Haftina Atelier in Poland

It is still difficult to find companies in North America that make old-style Corpus Christi processional canopies or that offer the decorative poles. In countries like Poland and Portugal, these items are still thankfully made and are available for purchase. This beautiful version is from our friends at Haftina Atelier in Poland. 

The pricing is excellent and so is the quality. They offer a few different decorated versions. Every parish ought to have such a canopy for outdoor and indoor processions. Following are several images of the Sacred Heart Canopy version to give our readers an idea of the size and decoration, made with satin and a floral theme, all machine-made embroidery. 

The two-piece poles are a separate purchase, also a rare find, seen below (they are short, held at the hip). Sometimes it helps if there is a lay donor to take the initiative and make such a purchase for a parish, clearing it first with the pastor. If your parish does not have one, and wants one, and you have the means, hopefully readers will consider working with their pastors to secure such a useful and lovely canopy for their parish's liturgical life. 

For more information on ordering the Sacred Heart version, click here.  


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