Spanish Sculptor Edwin Gonzalez Solis


Our good friend Enzo Selvaggi of Heritage Liturgical has drawn our attention to the Spanish artist Edwin Gonzalez Solis, based in Córdoba. Edwin creates statues of wood and other materials that are then usually painted, in the realistic style of classical realism. One of his newest creations is the Pieta' that was installed in 2023 at the newly dedicated chapel at Christendom College. Each day countless students can be seen praying daily in front of the work, placed conveniently near an entrance in the transept of the church.

Sometimes the statues are, in typical Spanish style, dressed in real clothes, a common sight in Spain and her colonies.  

Edwin's creations have the look and feel of real-life persons. His works create devotion and fervor among the faithful. His great attention to detail is revealed in the delicate painting technique that shows advanced sill on many levels, making each new custom statue a masterpiece in its own right. His life-like statues can be seen in various countries and hopefully we will see more commissions coming from North America, though Enzo's firm Heritage Liturgical. 

From Enzo's website:

Designing and building a truly beautiful Catholic church today can be a daunting challenge…

We know how to do it.

Our bespoke, concierge-level design and education offerings are tailored to your project’s needs and budget, from concept to dedication.

We are theology design consultants who partner with you to form the project vision for an authentically Catholic church which glorifies God and invites all to grow in holiness.

For more photos, click here.  


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