Other Modern: The Church of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary, Prague

It is long overdue that we should return to some of our Other Modern considerations -- "other modern" referring to contemporary ecclesiastical styles that, while distinctly "modern," are also firmly rooted in a classic liturgical arts tradition. Today's example is from Prague, specifically the former Benedictine monatery of St. Gabriel which was of the Beuronese Congregation (and it should come as no surprise then that the style here is the Beuronese style).

The monastery was constructed between 1888-1891 with the chapel itself being dedicated to the Annunciation .This particular church was decorated by the artist Peter Desiderio Lenz, founder of the Beuronese school of art which found its particular influences in early Christian and Byzantine styles. Unfortunately due to political tensions following the First World War, it only functioned as a monastery until 1919 when the monks left and it was sold to the state. As lamentable as that is, we can be fortunate that we are still left with this beautiful example of Other Modern art according to the Beuronese school and that the church continues to function as a church.

With all that said, we're going to leave you with a number of images taken from the church for your consideration. We think you'll agree that that it is well suited to the purposes of the sacred liturgy.

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