Travel Vestments by Ars Comacina

Ars Comacina in Italy have made available a set of travel vestments that illustrates the typical inexhaustible beauty of Italian know-how and design. These are lightweight, reversible in dual colors, and simple in design. In short, they are made for travel. The set folds easily for packing in a suitcase. It is available in all liturgical colors. 

Further, this style also works well in the tropics or warmer climates. These vestments are also helpful for clergy who perhaps find themselves a bit 'over-heated' at the altar or prone to sweat. Before the Council this lightweight and simple style had become quite popular in many circles and was used even by bishops frequently at ordinations. 

Ars Comacina is located near Milan on Lake Como, in the town of Cernobbio. As the fashion capital of the world, it is no surprise Milan brings us such fine vestment manufacturing. 

Their work is of the highest quality, reviving and safeguarding traditional methods of design and creation, while curating old style quality materials made of pure linen and silk, etc. 

They are also busy preserving the traditional local cantù, a typical bobbin lace made locally.

The tagline of Ars Comacina, taken from their website, is beautiful and has deep meaning:

"ARS COMACINA is a traditional tailoring atelier that puts its skills at the service of the Catholic Church for the mystical beauty of the Sacred Liturgy."

I encourage readers to purchase a set for their pastors, especially if they travel often or lead group pilgrimages. To order, click HERE.


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