Sede Vacante: The Custodian of the Conclave

The Papal Court was heavily involved in aspects of papal liturgies, including the rites surrounding the death and burial and mourning for recently deceased Roman Pontiffs. 

The rare images seen here give a precious insight into the court dress of the Court, namely the hereditary Maresciallo (Marshal) of the Holy Roman Church, also known as the "Guardian of the Conclave" (Custode del Conclave), a lay role that had prominent ceremonial importance upon the death of popes. 

The Role of the Marshal

His role included the important duty of turning the key to the Sistine Chapel and sealing the door shut, effectively locking in the cardinal electors until a new pope was elected. During the conclave, he was in theory the only person authorized to handle Vatican relations with the outside world until the moment the newly elected pope agrees to his election and accepts. 

The Last Hereditary Marshal 

This position was last held by Prince Sigismondo Chigi della Rovere Albani (1894-1982), seen below, in the uniform of the Order of Malta (in those days the red uniform was worn by all members). Incidentally, his father was the Prince and Grand Master of the Order, Fra' Ludovico Chigi Albani (della Rovere), who held this role of Marshal of the Conclave for three papal conclaves in 1914, 1922, and 1939. 

Below can be seen Prince Sigismondo with a bust of his ancestor, Pope Alexander VII (Fabio Card. Chigi...the patron of Bernini...and the pope with the most exquisite papal tomb in the Vatican Basilica). The Prince was Marshal of the Conclave in 1958 and 1963. His ancestors succeeded in this role after the extinction of the Savelli family in 1712.  

The Marshal's Uniform

His uniform and matching hat are unique in the court dress of the Vatican and resemble something from the days of Charles V or Philip II. It included a sort of Spanish style kilt, complete with buckled shoes. He last wore this in 1963 before his office was sadly abolished in 1968 with the motu proprio Pontificalis Domus. He still helped in the 1978 conclaves, carrying the keys.

Below is a press photo of him in 1963, wearing also the neck decoration of the Order of Malta. His uniform included not a neck ruff, but a jabot. This was a frill of lace fabric that was white in color and was worn at the neck in the front, a traditional element of court dress. 

The Marshal's Coat-of-Arms

In the below images can be seen his flag, with the coat-of-arms of the Chigi Albani della Rovere family, combining the familiar emblem of the oak tree with that of the six mountains of Siena with the familiar eight-pointed star. Because it is a Roman princely family, there is the crown. Under it can be seen the emblem of the Sede Vacante. Under the cartouche of the arms is depicted two keys in reference to his role. 

The arms of Alexander VII (who reigned from 1655-1667) are a common sight in Rome and can be seen in St. Peter's Square -- indeed, some popes have left their mark more than others. The heraldic arms of this pope reflect that of his family, but there are two versions. One has the Sienese mountains and star, taken from the Chigi family crest. The other is quartered with that of the della Rovere family oak tree. 

This was a privilege conferred by Pope Julius II (who reigned from 1503-1520) on Agostino Chigi (1465-1520), who was a wealthy banker and patron of the arts in Rome and the Vatican. Rovere is the Italian word for oak, and so the oak tree can thus be seen on the Chigi arms. The Chigi motto is Micat in Vertice (It shines at the summit). 

The Conclave Chairs 

In the final image are chairs that the cardinal electors sat in during twentieth century conclaves in the Sistine Chapel. There were 80 of them in 1963, matching, with the arms of the cardinal that was to sit in them hand painted on the chair, indicating who was to sit in which chair. The cardinal electors sat rather uncomfortably in these small chairs, an intentional gesture to speed up the voting process. These three have been preserved because the men sitting in them were elected pope: Pius XI, Pius XII, and John XXIII.  

What Does the Future Hold?

These items are today on display at the papal summer villa of Castel Gandolfo. Perhaps one day we will see this position return? It will have to be a new family as the Prince's family line has died out. The Prince was married in Rome in 1928 to an American heiress from Georgia, Marian Berry (1901-1989). They had two children: Agostino (1929-2002) and Francesca. The male heir, Agostino, had no children. In 1988 he sold the family home, Palazzo Chigi of Ariccia to the local municipality of Ariccia. Today visitors tour the property and admire the many family treasures that have been kept there for posterity sake. Francesca is still living, with a daughter Isabel. 

It is a pity so many of these traditions have fallen by the wayside, deemed out of keeping with the spirit of the age. These traditions were safeguards that developed over centuries, intended to involve people in the life of the Church, giving them employment and an opportunity to serve in meaningful ways. How ironic the Court of St. James's in the UK has preserved their traditions, while the Holy See has done the opposite. 


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