Recently on social media we shared some images of the Basilica of Sant'Apollinare in Classe located in Ravenna. The photos in question showed the high altar of the basilica both with and without a ciborium over the altar. These images spurred on a great deal of conversation online, with some lamenting the loss of the ciborium, while others believed its removal was actually a good thing, either because of the fact it partially obscured the figure of S. Apollinare in the apsidal mosaic, or because the style of ciborium was felt to not mesh well with the basilica itself.
The image posted on social media heads up this article, but here are the two photos in question, the first showing the basilica with its Renaissance style ciborium.
Here follows the same, the ciborium now removed:
So then, in the ensuing debate, who was right? To my mind, both were right in part.
On the one hand, while different historical styles can be successfully mixed -- Rome itself being a constant testimony to this -- in this particular instance, this particular ciborium really does not seem to adequately harmonize with the rest of the basilica's art and architecture. At the same time, the version of this sanctuary where the ciborium is absent is similarly inadequate. In a basilica of this size, while the altar should be the primary focal point, without the ciborium it is not. The altar becomes swallowed up by the surrounding basilica almost as thought it were a mere footnote.
The solution of course would not be to remove the ciborium entirely, but rather replace it with one that is better suited to the basilica. In this particular instance, a paleochristian revival style of ciborium would resolve all of the aforementioned issues -- and what's more, it could even be designed in such a way to ensure that the apsidal mosaic was not significantly obscured in any way.
To test the theory, here is a digitally manipulated image of the sanctuary of the basilica showing the altar with this style of ciborium in place:
So then, what do our readers think of this sort of solution? Let the conversation continue.
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